UPDATED 2/2/2022 - 12:15 am

This is the update from the time date posted. We are working to prioritize communications with exposed families. This page is more informational for those just wanting to have an overall view of what we knew after the fact.

KNOWN Positive Staff Members at home - 0

NONE - All eligible to return. Strict masking continues with all staff

Staff at home awaiting test results - 0


KNOWN Positive Students at home - 0


Students at home awaiting test results - 0


Precautionary Quarantined Staff at home - 0


Precautionary Quarantined Students at home - 0



The guidance is always changing and we may not be early adopters of relaxations of operating procedures. It is important for the wellness of our students and staff to carefully review and plan for all changes.

Exposure is defined as a time when a person (covid positive) is unmasked and within 6 feet of a person for a cumulative amount of time more than or equal to 15 minutes. This exposure dates back to 3 days prior to COVID symptoms or testing (asymptomatic cases).

Vaccinated persons are not required to be absent from school. They are required to mask. Because all school-aged classrooms masks this will only impact our lunchtime. These students will be required to eat away from others while unmasked.

Unvaccinated persons are required to remain at home for 5 - 8 days. They may return after a negative COVID test on or after the 5th day of the last exposure. If no test is administered they may return after 8 days. COVID tests are currently available at school for these individuals. Families should isolate COVID positive family members at home to stop continued exposure if they hope to return on day 5. Current CDC guidelines is saying that a person typically stops shedding virus in the 3rd - 5th day. The 8 day window allows for the virus to run it’s course in a family. We prefer a negative test to reduce the risk of school related transmissions.

Toddler Classroom exposure is considered a closed pod in most cases. Parents will be alerted to potential exposures but these students are typically asymptomatic. Quarantine guidance for schools does not address this age of student. We will seek our guidance from the Health Department on a case by case basis. We are not able to mask these students upon return like the school-aged students. When a parent is sick at home with COVID we expect these asymptomatic students to remain at home until the parent is able to return to work.



Cell - 330-231-4459